Sex Talk 201: Communication, Consent, and Respect

  • Sex Talk 201:Communication, Consent, and Respect

    Colleges and universities have hotly requested a program that meets the needs of Title IX education requirements for years. Imagination Theater is thrilled to bring you, Sex Talk 201: Communication, Consent, and Respect!

    Of all the relevant issues affecting college campuses, sex and respect seem to be the most universal. Throughout the performance, actors and student audience members explore sexually transmitted infections, affirmative consent, and sexual assault. Sex Talk 201: Communication, Consent, and Respect provides students with chances to role play with actors, practicing and demonstrating communication skills that they can bring back to their real-life relationships.

    How does it work?
    Actors present dramatic scenarios, and at a moment of climax in each scene, a trained facilitator freezes the action and guides the student audience in a discussion: What are they observing on stage? What are the issues involved? What are some possible solutions? A student audience member is then invited onstage to replace one of the actors and finish the scene using the student’s ideas to resolve the issue. In this moment, students have a chance to role play with actors, practicing and demonstrating skills they can bring back to the students’ real lives.


    • For Ages:
    • Audience Max:
    • Show Length:
      90 Minutes
    View all College Programming
  • Want to bring Sex Talk 201 to your college?

    • The program has relevant topics for new students and is presented in a way that engages and informs them.

      Sarah Botkin
      Assistant Dean/Director of Student Activities
      Mount Mercy University